Thursday 3 December 2009

Meet the Pets

One of the many benefits of our new apartment is that it comes with some pets. Here's a quick intro:

Marta. Tabby cat. Sleeps in our apartment.
Pros: she's clean (not as clean as Eugene, but she makes a decent effort), she's playful and snuggly, kills cockroaches and scorpions (or so we're told).
Cons: annoying meowing in the morning and night, attempts to jump into the refrigerator to eat our food, during Thanksgiving dinner she jumped up and licked the top of the cheesecake, devoured part of the birthday cake our roommate baked for me thus ruining the word "cumpleaƱos", Jekyll and Hyde purr then attack personality.

Nacho. Puppy. Recently acquired by our neighbors, Byron and Victoria, from the pet store outside the supermarket.
Pros: adorable.
Cons: going through his excited peeing phase, perpetually dirty because of all of the dust in this town.

Nube (Spanish for "cloud"). Semi-feral outdoor cat.
Pros: stays out of the way.
Cons: forgot/never learned how to clean herself which means she is covered in kitty dreadlocks, mostly deaf, indifferent to humans.

Dozer. Rescued shepherd who belongs to our apartment manager's son.
Pros: wants to be our friend
Cons: doesn't know how make friends, has a bad habit of nipping Alex, lurks around in the shadows on the roof at night, gets nervous and pees.

The Stray. A gray cat that has been eating Marta and Nube's food. She's elusive --finally managed to catch a picture of her as she was fleeing across the rooftops.
Pros: she's cute.
Cons: totally wild, her meow sounds like a dying baby goat.


  1. Hey! Great pictures. It is amazing that an outdoor cat will just come into the house and eat someone else's cat food. We are having the same experience and our house cat does not appear to notice. At least Mexican animals have personality.

  2. Update - two days after this post, Nube passed away. She will be missed. In other news, the stray, which we are calling El Presidente ("prez" for short) is now being totally friendly. Alex bought a brush and has been sprucing it up and cutting out its dreads over the past few days. He thinks a bath may be necesssary.
